Tax accountant Thomas Eckhardt
Our services

The Chamber of Tax Consultants of Rhineland-Pfalz has granted the official title „Fachberater für internationales Steuerrecht“ to the tax accountant Mr. Thomas Eckhardt.
With that there was an extensive exam referring the theoretical knowledge and the experience for all intents and purposes in the area of international tax law.
The international tax law does not only apply to big corporations, it is more and more gaining in importance to medium-sized businesses.
There are basically two circumstances affected: The entrepreneurial activities of the native people in a foreign country on one hand and the activities of persons and companies located in foreign countries in the domicile country on the other hand.
In this context there are questions like, which government has in specific cases the right of taxation and how can possible duplications of taxation be avoided.
Besides that it is essential to structure the cross bordered activities efficiently as well as to fulfill the extensive obligatory documentation requirements especially in the area of transfer prices.
If you want to found a subcompany in a foreign country or maybe are thinking about a warehouse outside of Germany the same complete consultation will be necessary as the companies in the foreign country would plan for the same activities.

For you as a private person a forward-looking schedulingreferring the taxation of income in cases of changing the domicile cross-border is very sensible as well as the consideration of inheritance tax depending on the individual life situation.
We take care of the worldwide activities of our domestic clients as well as the companies in Europe and all other States like the United States, Canada and China for example.